A brand new idea

A new  idea has been  germinating  in my addled brain for  quite  a  while.  Here's  the  gist  of  it and  how  it  started.

The  first  inkling  of an idea came  with  clothes.  I'm   fifty years  old  and  plus  size.  Everything I  try  on is designed  for  teens, has a certain  rest home  chic,  has outrageous  patterns, or seems  designed  to  make  me look   even  larger  than  I  am.  At first  I  thought  I  was  being  paranoid  but  no, it's  true.  Clothes  that  look  cute  on a size 6 can't  simply  be cut  larger  and  look  cute  on a size 16.  Stores don't  seem  to  care about  larger  sizes.  When  I  do  find  clothes  that  fits it's often   black, navy or tan.  I would  like  some  more  feminine  options.  Fortunately, Momma  taught  me  how  to  sew. I've  fallen  in  love  with  lagenlook   (layered look).  It's  a  bit  crazy  but  it's also  feminine, creative, figure  forgiving,  and fun.  Since  I  sew my own  it's  affordable  but  there  are  designer lines.  So  here I am running  around  South  Carolina  wearing  unusual  clothes  and  the  idea begins  to  expand.  I got  a  bit  miffed.  The  world  seems  to  think  I  should  be unhappy  with  myself  and  my  body,  dressed in dowdy  clothes,  while  fervently  trying  to  lose weight.    I'm  a child  of Christ, a happy  wife and   mother, I  have  hobbies and  interest.  Why should  my weight  determine  my happiness  or steal  my joy?  Ah!  The plot  thickens.

I've  tried  every  diet known  to   man. Nothing  has worked.  Around  new years,  when  the  whole  country  went  diet crazy  I thought, "you  should  go on a diet  again".  I certainly  could  stand  to  lose weight  but  I  just couldn't  handle  the  idea of another  diet.  That's  when  I  stumbled  upon  the  concept  of  mindful  eating  and  my  world  changed.  Mindful  eating  is a simple  concept  but  it's   harder than  it  sounds.  It's  a journey  I  would  like  to  blog about. I  would  like  to  share  my success  and  failures as well  as  what  I  eat -- which  probably  isn't  diet  food .

So  moving  forward, now  I'm  getting  dressed having  fun  with  my clothes  and  I'm  trying  to  be mindful  of my eating.  I'm not  trying  to  lose weight  as much  as  be happy  and  healthy.  My  weight  isn't  an obsession  or roadblock  to  my joy.  I  think  to myself  "if you  do  something  other  than  dwell  on  food that  might  help"  okay,  go do something  fun, something  I  like, something  different.  I quite  briefly  considered  joining  a gym but  I  got  a  cup of tea and  sat down  until  it passed.   I can  move  around  without  a  gym.  Every one might  not   like  to  do  what  I  like  to  do but I  want  to  share  and  give  folks  the  idea to  do  what  they  like.  So  there  it is the  concept  for  my new  blog--mindful eating, pretty  clothes, accepting my  body,  happy  movement  and  activities, de stressing  and  finding  joy.  The  journey  begins.

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